The Singing Buddha Podcast
'An audio sanctuary sharing nuggets of creative, transformative and spiritual wisdom to uplift and inspire.' Hosted by Lucie Burns, author, musician, coach and speaker, also known as the artist, songwriter and music producer 'Lazy Hammock. 'In these episodes Lucie delivers her inspiring and thought provoking nuggets of wisdom, delving into all aspects of being a spiritual creative. She looks at what inspires us, connects us, affects us, grounds us, hinders us, makes us and breaks us, and explores various methods in which we can tap into our limitless potential so that we are able to become our best selves, not only creatively, but also mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, enabling us to navigate our lives and emotions in a more balanced and grounded way within this world, whilst endeavouring to remain true to our core, creative selves. Listen in to either start or continue on your journey of awareness, expansion and creativity, stepping into your own rhythm and unique flow, learning to let go, allow and just be, hopefully resulting in a deeper connection to yourself, your craft and the wider universe. / MUSIC: Written and produced by Lazy Hammock (Lucie Burns) /E: thesingingbuddhapodcast@gmail.com / WEBSITE: lucieburns.com /SUPPORT THE SHOW: https://paypal.me/lucieburnscoaching
Ep.38 2025 It's Now or Never – What Do You Have To Lose?

Ep.37 Elevate Your Life: Unlock the Secret to High Vibrational Living

Ep.36 How Rich Are You? Why this matters

Ep.35 Embracing new phases of life - How to stop restricting the flow

Ep.34 Aligning with Your True Self in 2024

Ep.33 You can't afford to put off your dreams any longer. It's time to live out your individual purpose!

Ep.32 Why listening to the quiet voice within can bring you inner contentment and happiness

Ep.31 Do you rescue people from situations which could aid their growth?

Ep.30 Letting go of what no longer serves you

Ep.29 Are You Accepting Less Than You Deserve In Your Relationships?

Ep.28 Don't Let Fear Stop You..

Ep.27 Don't be surprised when people behave how they always have

Ep.26 - If You Stop Seeking This One Thing, It Will Transform Your Life!

Ep.25 Filtering The Noise

Ep.24 How To Keep Focused On Your Creative Projects

Ep.23 Reclaiming Your Power From The People In Power

Ep.22 What's Stopping You?

Ep.21 Encouragement for the week ahead

Ep.20 Stepping Out Of Ego

Ep.19 Why is it becoming harder to meditate and connect with our higher power?

Ep.18 Finding Creative Inspiration

Ep.17 I Am Enough (Guided Meditation)

Ep.16 Stop Comparing yourself To Others!

Ep.15 Transcending Division in Society & Families